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- Written by Ricardo Santana
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 7924
We are approaching the deadline for small municipalities are obliged to provide to any person or entity access to information regarding the execution of the public budget, the moment of realization, with the provision of minimal data in the case of expenses , the case number, the goods supplied or the service rendered, the person or entity receiving the payment and, where applicable, the bidding procedure performed. No, I'm not referring to the Law On 2011 but the Complementary Law 131, Senator João Capiberibe, published on May 27, 2009, and set the following deadlines for mandatory disclosure of this data: one year for the Union , States, Federal District and Municipalities with more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, two years to the municipalities that have between fifty and a hundred thousand, and four years for municipalities with up to fifty thousand inhabitants.
It is worth noting some important details of this Law, which unlike Access Act, clearly defines what, how and when the availability of data should be performed: "all acts performed in the course of implementing spending" ... "Real time" ... "in electronic media access pubic". Thus, it is up to each of us charge our representatives of the executive mere compliance with a law that can bring light and visibility to the management of public affairs, or better defining the management of our resources, so expensive at the time we collect the taxes and so have forgotten the next minute. How about we start by those who are closest, our halls?
<Links> Complementary Law 131 (Portuguese)